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  • 單倉單秤動態(tài)自動配料系統(tǒng) 用途與特點: 單倉單秤自動配料系統(tǒng)是一種可與BB肥設備、有機肥設備、復合肥設備、復混肥設備配套使用的自動配料裝置,能夠根據(jù)客戶需求完成自動配比...
  • 產(chǎn)品詳情

Single Silo Single Weigh Dynamic Automatic Batching System:
Use and Features:
The single silo and single weigh automatic batching system is a kind of automatic proportioning device which can be used with BB fertilizer equipment, organic fertilizer equipment, and compound fertilizer equipment.It can complete the automatic proportioning according to the customer's demand. The machine is used for weighing and distributing various raw materials, instead of manual weighing or volumetric metering. It has the characteristics of high precision, fast delivery efficiency and high automation, and is one of the main parts of the complete fertilizer production equipment. The product is controlled by microcomputer, electronic monitoring, digital prompt, easy to control and easy to operate. It is the guarantee for the content of precision fertilizer products.

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