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  • 液壓對輥造粒機(jī) 用途與特點(diǎn): HD系列液壓對輥造粒機(jī)是采用干法輥壓工藝技術(shù),主要靠壓力進(jìn)料加壓方式,使物料強(qiáng)制通過兩個相對旋轉(zhuǎn)輥輪間隙,強(qiáng)制壓縮成片塊狀,在輥壓過程中,...
  • 產(chǎn)品詳情

Hydraulic Roller Granulator
Use and Features:
HD series hydraulic press granulator adopts dry roller press technology, which HD series hydraulic counter-roller granulator adopts dry rolling technology, mainly relying on pressure feeding method, force material through two opposing rotating roller gaps and compress into pieces. In the process of rolling press, the actual density of the material can be increased by 1.5~3 times, and the powder material with water content less than 5% is compressed into pieces or Lump, thereby achieving granule strength requirements. After crushing and shaping, the lump material is turned into granular that meets the requirements of application. It is mainly suitable for chemical fertilizer materials (potassium sulfate, potassium chloride, potash fertilizer, calcium carbonate, potassium nitrate, ammonium phosphate, etc.);Chemical raw materials (antioxidant, Zinc Oxide, metal powder, plant fuel, etc.), and the compression granulation process of environmental materials.

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